Saturday, February 18, 2023


তিনি তাঁর মতো করে বিরোধিতা করেছেন

বিদায় বলতে কেমন শ্বাসকষ্ট হয়। তবু বিদায় বলতেই হয়, কখনো কখনো। সুবিমল মিশ্র চলে গেলেন, একটা যুগ চলে গেল। আমাদের যৌবনের এক বিরোধী চরিত্র চলে গেলেন।

সুবিমল মিশ্রের লেখার সাথে প্রথম পরিচয় ‘বিজ্ঞাপন’ পত্রিকার মাধ্যমে। যে পত্রিকার পরে নাম হবে ‘বিজ্ঞাপন পর্ব’। ‘হারান মাঝির বিধবা বৌয়ের মড়া’ সেই পত্রিকার মাধ্যমেই পড়া এবং প্রেমে পড়ে যাওয়া। আমি যদিও কখনোই সুবিমল মিশ্রের অন্ধ ভক্ত ছিলাম না। তবু সুবিমল আমার প্রিয় লেখকদের ভেতর একজন।

কথা এরকম হতে পারে তবে কেমন ছিল আমাদের মেলামেশার ধরন?

আড্ডার সাথে সাথে তর্কাতর্কি, মন কষাকষি, ভাবভালবাসার কোনো অভাব ছিল না। তখন আমরা ‘সমবেত আর্তনাদ’ নামে একটা কাগজ করছি। বইমেলার সেই টেবিলে তখন সুবিমল মিশ্র, হাংরি সুভাষ ঘোষ এবং আমরা। একবার মনে আছে টেবিলে একজন সুন্দরী এসে জিজ্ঞাসা করলেন – আচ্ছা লিটল ম্যাগাজিন ব্যাপারটা কী?

সুবিমলদার স্টান উত্তর ছিল – এত সেজে থাকলে লিটল ম্যাগাজিন কী বোঝা যাবে না।

সুবিমলদাকে ওই মেলাতেই পাঠককে বলতে শুনেছি – আগে বই ধরতে শিখুন তারপর তো বুঝবেন বইটা কী নিয়ে।

খুব কাছ থেকে দেখেছি তাঁর রাগ, অসহায়তা। বইকে কতটা ভালবাসলে এই উচ্চারণ করা যায়। পাঠক এটা কোনো গিমিক নয়। এক ধরনের স্টান্ট ভাবলে ভুল হবে আপনার। নিজের বই বাঁধাই ঘর থেকে আসার পর সেটা অন্তত আধ ঘন্টা ধরে দেখা। এই খুঁতখুঁতে স্বভাব ছিল তাঁর।

আমি এমন কোনো লেখক আর দেখিনি যিনি প্রতিটা বইয়ে একটা পার্সোনাল টাচ দিতে চান। ইচ্ছে করেই প্রচ্ছদে একটা ভুল রেখে তারপর একটা লাল ফেল্ট পেন দিয়ে কারেক্ট করতে দেখেছি আমি।

তবু তাঁর বিরোধিতা করতে আমার বাঁধেনি। কারণ সুবিমলদাকে আমি কখনো গুরু মনে করিনি। তাঁর প্রতিষ্ঠান বিরোধিতার পদ্ধতির সাথে আমি এক মত হতে পারিনি। তিনি তাঁর মতো করে বিরোধিতা করেছেন এবং বাংলা বাজারে সেটাও কোনো অংশে কম নয়। এবং অনেক ক্ষেত্রেই যা অনেকের অস্বস্তির কারণ হয়েছে। হয়েও চলবে হয়ত আরো বহুদিন।


বইয়ের দুনিয়া, বইমেলা বুলেটিনে প্রকাশিত  

Monday, May 23, 2022

Little magazines in Instagram era, a tete-a-tete with independent writer Subhankar Das

Little magazines in Instagram era, a tete-a-tete with independent writer Subhankar Das

India Blooms News Service | @indiablooms 23 May 2022, 12:15 pm

Welcome to the world of little magazines, mimeo editors, outlaw poets, chapbooks and experimental writing. IBNS caught up with Subhankar Das, an independent writer, literary activist, poet, blogger, publisher and film producer, to answer some of the questions pertaining to the future of little magazines and small publications in the era of Instagram.


The Little Magazines movement is a world of its own where unknown writers, unpublished poets and unsung litterateurs and activists share their literary exertions and thoughts with well-knit think alike groups spread across the globe.

But how is this child of the mimeograph revolution of the 60s and 70s coping up with the ever-evolving digital universe where the rules of publication and the way we share information have vastly changed. Is digital revolution an existential threat to Little Magazines or will it bring boundless opportunities and unlock limitless creativity?

The Hungry literary movement in the early 60s was a turning point in Bengal’s literary scene. It inspired thousands of writers, poets and literary enthusiasts and still continues to influence the likes of Subhankar Das who was born in 1963 when the movement was at its prime.

Over the past three decades Subhankar Das has evolved as a poet, writer, publisher, film producer and literary activist. While Jibananda Das and Allen Ginsberg of the Beat generation are his favourite poets, Subhankar is an ardent admirer of German-American author Henry Charles Bukowski Jr aka Charles Bukowski – a big name in the world of `little magazines’.

Bukowski, whose writing career spanned five decades from 40s to 90s, is known for his use of violent images and graphic language in poetry and fiction that depict survival in a corrupt, blighted society and his noir existence.

Bukowski wrote thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories and six novels and published over sixty works, mostly in small literary magazines. Scorned, sneered at and mocked by countless authors and critics, Bukowski ascended the literary ladder from the back alleys of the American literary scene to earn enduring popularity and become a mainstream icon. In 1986 Time magazine called him a “laureate of lowlife”.

Das’ job as an engineer in a multinational firm was “nauseating” and he quit his job to write poetry which proved to be therapeutic.

Subhankar has published 24 collections of poetry in Bangla and his chap book of poetry The Streets, The Bubbles of Grass is published in English through his art collective The Graffiti. He has translated Alan Ginsberg’s Kaddish into Bangla along with works of Mallarme and other poets. He founded Graffiti Publications which highlights the works of underground writers and artists.

Excerpts of the Q/A:

Q: What sparked off your tryst with Little Magazines? How did Ginsberg and Bukowski come into your life?

I do not know, maybe the rebel was deep inside me which could not cope with the so-called norms of the society and it always wanted to break free. It started with my first job in Mumbai and ended up naturally with my tryst with Little Magazines in Kolkata. I started searching for authors who are similar minded and I discovered that I am not the only one in this world who is searching for that “other” and the beat poets Ginsberg, Corso, Kerouac and much later Bukowski came to my rescue.

Q: You participated in the recent International Kolkata Book Fair in February 2022 in the Little Magazine section. Any changes or trends you noticed?

I have been participating in the Kolkata Book Fair for the last 30 years or maybe more. I have seen a lot of ups and downs but I am happy with the present situation of Little Magazines and Independent Publications. Readers are buying our books which do not follow the so-called norms of the literary world and I believe it does not happen that easily.

Q: What is the current status of small publications in Bengal? Give us an overview?

Many things are happening in the Bengali Independent Publication field. Some are just publishers publishing left right centre any book they can get hold of. But I like to mention those independent presses who have a focus and know what independent press really means. Parchment, Hoptak Kachra, Atmaja, Eksho Ashi Degree, Tobuo Prayash, to name a few of the publishers are working at present. Apart from that there are many more.  I am not aware of Inde Presses working with English titles except the brand new publisher, Hornbill.

Q: How big is the world of Little Magazines at present? Has it grown in size and enrichment?

Yes, it is not a small world. At least 2000 Little Magazines are published in West Bengal. Enrichment is a difficult word, not many magazines fall in that category but who am I to decide that? I write in those magazines which I like and there are not many in number.

Q: How do you see the impact of the digital revolution on the future of Little Magazines - positive or negative? Are chapbooks going to become a relic of the past?

Little Magazine is a concept of rebellion and it always accepts new technologies. There are a lot of E-Magazines on the web.

But my personal choice if you ask me is the print version, the physical presence of a book or a magazine and I believe printed chap books will stay on. They cannot be replaced by Kindle or some pdf running wild. To add further let me tell you this, that most of the independent publishers have adopted the new technology of ‘print on demand’. Whereby you can publish just 50 copies and when that gets sold off you can print more.

Q: Do you think Little Magazines need to re-invent itself in the context of rapid onslaught of digital publication?

I have already answered that in your last question. Stop thinking in the way the society wants you to think. Little Magazine editors and writers are not jokers and some of them are very well read and techno junkies.

Q: Your views on new age digital versions of Little Magazines and online audience?

I am not sure about this online one-page audience with a very small amount of patience.

Q: Do you think strict digital regulatory laws stifle the free-flowing spirit of Little Magazines?

Yes! That’s a problem of course which we faced while uploading ‘Ebang Falguni’ on YouTube. A short film we produced in 2004, which has one sexually explicit scene, not censored and did rounds in 7 international film festival.

Q: Are there any new Bukowski’s in the world of Little Magazines and small publications?

Allan Davis Winans of the USA whose poems I have translated in Bengali with his kind permission.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Friday, January 6, 2012


Just out a mini chap book of 22 poems by Charles Bukowski translated into Bangla by me….. this is the cover…… This first edition is limited to 200 copies. Just learned from my poet friend Jay Passer that Buke smoked bidis the last dozen years of his life… Ok then cool Indian bidis and poems by Buke for you ...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011